There are many experts explain
about definition of speaking. Speaking is a productive language
It means that speaking is a person’s skills to produce sounds
that exists at the
meaning and be understood by
other people, so that able to create of good communication. It is a mental concept that processed by someone in such a way to
form a meaning when uttered.
Chainstand in Hamzah state that “Speaking is learning to speak is obviously more difficult than learning to understanding the spoken language.”[2] On the other hand, we can say that speaking is learning about how to speak, and it is so hard better than knowing what other people saying.
Chainstand in Hamzah state that “Speaking is learning to speak is obviously more difficult than learning to understanding the spoken language.”[2] On the other hand, we can say that speaking is learning about how to speak, and it is so hard better than knowing what other people saying.
S Hornby has explained that speaking is “to
say exactly what you think, in every direct way”[3] it means
that speaking is skill that has meaning which appears directly from our mind to
convey messages to other people. In other words, speaking a way to say what you
feel now, and it is appears from our mind.
Wendy and Listbeth state
that speaking is perhaps the demanding skill for the teacher to teach. In their
own language children are able to express emotions,
communicate intonations and reactions, explore the language
and make fun of it, so they expect to be able to do the same in English.[4] In other
words, speaking activity must be done on fun situation that make the students
feel enjoy to learn it. When the condition of the learning process class are good, enjoy, fun, full of spirits,
etc. it will make the brain’s of the students are processed, so that
acquisition process of the students run effectively.
Based on the definitions above, it can be inferred
that speaking is a basic of person skill
to produce language that has meaning and be understood by other people
about what the speaker says. It is a skill of speaker to
give information to a listener or group of listeners by transfer it
effectively. And speaking activity must be set on fun situation.
[2] (October 1,
A S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Six Edition,
(New York:
Oxford University Press, 2003), p. 1289.
Wendy A. Scott
and Listbeth
Teaching English to Children. (New York: Longman), p.